6 Brushing Tips to Impress Your Dentist

Dentist appointments can be scary. Sitting in that chair with a bright light shining above you while the dentist scrapes between your teeth is enough to keep anyone away. And as your gums begin to bleed, you silently plea that your next appointment will be better – and it will be, if you follow these tips that will help keep your entire mouth clean and impress your dentist.


Set a timer. Haphazardly brushing your teeth in the morning before you run out the door to catch your bus might get rid of your morning breath, but it’s not likely to have a meaningful effect on your overall health, says Eugene Antenucci, a clinical associate with the New York University College of Dentistry and spokesman for Academy of General Dentistry. “To effectively reach all areas and rid your mouth of cavity-causing bacteria, it is recommended to brush for at least two minutes, twice a day,” he says. ​”Use a timer, or play a song that lasts two minutes.”

Read the full article here.